celebrating 60 years of dance

Olivia Gard

Olivia Gard

Advanced 1 Cecchetti, DanceStep Level 4 First Aid Level 2. Currently studying a Diploma of Elite Dance (Patricks School of the Arts). Olivia Gard is a passionate and determined dancer with a lifelong dream of becoming a professional dancer and choreographer....
Melanie Gard

Melanie Gard

Ceccehtti International Classical Ballet (Licentiate) CBA; Advanced 2 Cecchetti; Cert IV Dance Teaching and Management,  Cert IV Training and Assessment; BA (Disability Studies), Affliate member Australian Teachers of Dance (ATOD) Dance Classes: ballet, jazz, tap,...

Online Classes Overview

WELCOME TO PSD ONLINE We are thrilled to welcome you to our online portal where you have unlimited access to dance classes, workouts, activities and workbooks. It is the perfect way to keep fit, healthy, connected and active in your own home. Our dance studio is our...
Why Dance?

Why Dance?

Are you concerned about your child’s need for constant and instant gratification? We now live in a world where everything is available at the touch of a button. We are constantly stimulated and bombarded with more and more information. Swipe right. Ask Google....