celebrating 60 years of dance


ages 7+

We ask all of our students to come to class dressed neatly in dance uniforms.

It is essential to the physical activity that the dancers wear attire that supports their bodies and allows the teacher to provide feedback and correction relating to the shape, form and technique of the movements they are performing. Dance is quite simply a visual art, and an athletic one at that. Our uniform also creates a sense of community and belonging. It is expected that all students adhere to the uniform guidelines once they have completed their free trial and enrolled at our studio.

Uniforms and Peninsula Dance Gear are available direct from our studios. 

We stock all uniform items including leotards, tights and shoes. Shoe and uniform fittings are available via appointment only. Please use the below link to our calander booking system. By booking an appointment you are assured that a staff member will be ready and waiting to assist you. And if we don’t stock what you need, we can order it in for you!

Our trusted local suppliers for dance gear are Capezio, 12-14 Milgate Drive, Mornington Ph: (03) 5975 0266 – View website
They’re open 10am – 5pm Mondays – Fridays, 10am – 3pm Saturdays. We recommend you ring the store first to check your dance gear needs in stock, particularly if you are shopping for boys.

Click on the class type below to view uniform information


Acrobatics  •  Ballet  •  Broadway  •  Contemporary  •  Hip Hop  •  Jazz  •  Tap  •  Adult


what to wear



  • Ballet shoes
  • Hair in a bun with matching ribbon/short hair neatly off the face
  • Ballet pink tights
  • Leotard in either:
    (Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald) - Columbian Blue pinch front leotard, Ballet skirt in leotard colour
    (Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy Blue leotard, Ballet skirt in leotard colour
  • OPTIONAL: Crossover in matching leotard colour


  • Ballet shoes
  • Hair in a bun with matching ribbon/short hair neatly off the face
  • White t-shirt
  • (Sapphire and Ruby) - Black bike shorts
  • (Emerald, Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy blue ballet tights

Note: Ribbons on ballet shoes from Emerald level upwards. Pointe shoes are only to be obtained after through assessment and direct approval from the Principal and/or Director.



  • PSD shorts OR black leggings
  • Bare feet & hair up neatly
  • Cotton lycra leotard in either:

(Petite, Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald) - Columbian Blue pinch front leotard
(Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy Blue leotard

what to wear



  • PSD/black jazz shorts
  • Cotton lycra leotard in either:

(Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald) - Columbian Blue pinch front leotard
(Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy Blue leotard

  • Tan tights
  • Tan jazz shoes
  • Hair in ponytail/short hair neatly off the face


  • PSD/black jazz shorts
  • PSD singlet/T-Shirt
  • Tan jazz shoes
  • Hair in ponytail/short hair neatly off the face

what to wear



  • (Petite, Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald) - Columbian Blue pinch front leotard
  • (Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy Blue leotard
  • PSD/black shorts
  • Ballet pink tights
  • Hair in bun or ponytail/short hair neatly off the face
  • Bare feet OR foot thongs
  • Optional: black knee pads


  • PSD/black shorts OR black leggings
  • PSD singlet or T-Shirt
  • Tan tights
  • Tan jazz shoes
  • Hair in ponytail/short hair neatly off the face
  • Bare feet OR foot thongs
  • Optional: black knee pads


Hip Hop

  • BLACK runners (effective 2025)
  • BLACK socks (effective 2025)
  • Black track-suit pants, black shorts or black leggings
  • PSD t-shirt OR PSD hip-hop top




  • Tan tights
  • Tan jazz shoes
  • PSD/black shorts
  • Cotton lycra leotard in either:

(Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald) - Columbian Blue pinch front leotard
(Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy Blue


  • Tan jazz shoes
  • PSD/black shorts
  • PSD singlet or PSD T-Shirt/plain black T-Shirt

Note: black jazz shoes are acceptable for Gold students but tan shoes are required for performances




  • Tan tights
  • Tap shoes (Sapphire, Ruby Emerald: tan tap shoes Gold, Diamond, Adult: black cadence tap shoes)
  • Hair in ponytail or short hair neatly styled back off the face
  • Leotard in either:

(Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald) - Columbian Blue pinch front leotard
(Gold, Diamond and Adult) - Navy Blue


  • Tap shoes (Sapphire, Ruby Emerald: tan tap shoes Gold, Diamond, Adult: black cadence tap shoes)
  • Hair in ponytail or short hair neatly styled back off the face
  • PSD/black shorts
  • PSD singlet or PSD t-shirt/plain black t-shirt

NOTE: Tap shoes have NO heel for Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald. Black cadence tap shoes required for Gold level & above.


Adult Classes

No uniform is required, the most important thing is to wear something comfortable that allows you to move freely!

Suggested attire could include:

  • leggings, shorts or tracksuit pants
  • singlet or t-shirt
  • socks and runners

Adult students are also more than welcome to purchase official PSD uniform items including: leotards, tights, skirts, ballet shoes, tap shoes etc. These can be ordered/purchased at PSD HQ reception or Capezio Dancewear in Mornington.

Video Tutorial: How to make a ballet bun

Watch this handy step-by-step tutorial from Miss Mel on how to style a ballet bun.

Video Tutorial: How to apply make-up for young dancers

Watch this helpful step-by-step tutorial from Miss Mel on the basics of applying stage make-up for Petite and Junior dancers.