Online Classes
Set in a Polish village at the end of the 18th century, this ballet classic follows the romantic high jinks of sweethearts Franz and Swanhilda. The young lovers are drawn into mischief by their fascination with the “daughter” of the mysterious doll maker, Dr. Coppelius. She appears only in the window of Dr. Coppelius’ shop, facing the village square, where the young people dance. Seated in a chair, Coppelia appears to be always reading a book. Franz is attracted to this new creature. Swanhilda observes his fascination and senses a rival. They resolve, separately, to investigate. In the workshop of Coppelius, each finds more and less than he or she expected. There are marvellous mechanical dolls that dance when touched. The doddering doctor invites Franz to drink with him and secretly puts a sleeping potion in the wine. Then, using magic incantations from an old book, he tries to draw the life force from Franz and transfer it to his adored creation Coppelia. Swanhilda obliges with an impersonation of the doll come to life. This is comic rather than menacing, with very readable pantomime moving the action along. The ballet concludes with a festive village wedding for the young pair.
In this week’s class with Miss Sophie and Miss Jasmine you will explore different tempos, the parts of the music (A, B, Coda) through movement, as well as encourage limb isolations and cross body patterning. We have also included your own paper doll to print, colour in and dress, as well as a template to make a beautiful snowflake ballerina.
If you would like to play any of the songs used in this lesson you can find them on spotify. Click on the below button